“...hilariously absurd...”
www.pressherald.com / October 13, 2013
Article by Daniel Kany
(2013) ·


Freelance writer and art historian Daniel Kany offered his take on my work in his review of the PMA 2013 Biennial in the Portland Press Herald (October 13, 2013):

JT Bullitt's drawings remind me of Jeff Woodbury's indexical, data-based drawings; Bullitt's “I Will Not Stop Until I am Asleep” comprises a single black ink line that meanders back and forth with 3D topo-like echoes until, presumably, the artist actually fell asleep.

Bullitt's two-hour recording of his reading the names of everyone he recalls ever meeting is a hilariously absurd work within an art world so polarized about name-dropping.

Read the full article: "Art Review: PMA biennial overlooks paintings but otherwise excels," by Daniel Kany (Portland Press Herald, October 13, 2013).